The Moral Marketing Values Compass (Moreel Marketing Waardenkompas in Dutch) we have developed is a ‘Hot Topic’ in the 17th edition of the NIMA Marketingfacts Yearbook. This is a 500-page publication that covers all aspects of marketing. The ‘Hot Topics’ are chapters on current developments and trends in marketing. Ethical considerations are also widely discussed in this field of behavioral influence. Below is a brief summary of the 20-page chapter.
The moral leader and his moral values compass
This publication is a continuation of our Hot Topic on moral leadership in marketing in the previous edition of the Marketingfacts Yearbook. While last year we highlighted the role of a moral leader in marketing, we now delve into the previously announced Moral Values Compass. After discussing the significance and role of a moral leader, three follow-up questions arise:
- How can a group reach a shared morality in a structured manner?
- How can one make widely accepted moral choices for society as a whole based on that?
- How can one progress from their current level of moral leadership to a higher level?
An important skill for each of these three questions is the ability to slow down thinking in order to gain distance and consider all consequences. This is a challenge, especially when everyone demands a quick response. It becomes even more challenging when multiple interests are involved, as the consequences can be significant if there is a wrong assessment. That’s why we often say:
The greater the pressure, the slower you should think.
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The four building blocks of the Moral Values Compass
The moral values compass distinguishes four building blocks. It starts with self-leadership and ultimately ends with increasing impact on your environment as an organization. The model below illustrates these four building blocks:

From the current situation (position) to the desired situation (position)
Each of the building blocks is necessary to achieve a shared morality and widely accepted moral choices. The “strength” of each building block determines at what level these considerations are currently being made and how significant the impact on the environment ultimately is. Through the online scan, you can assess how “strong” or well-developed each building block is at the moment. To do this, we look at the visible habits associated with each building block. Because especially in the flow of daily stimuli, the challenge is greatest to continue making choices that align with your values
Habit is the enemy of knowing
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rom habits, the “character” of a person or organization can be determined. And that “character” in turn reveals which processes or “stories” are dominant within an organization. By knowing which processes are associated with a well-functioning moral values compass, it becomes easier to identify the steps that lead to better moral leadership. The challenge lies in consciously choosing between “good” and “good.” It’s the daily dilemma, for example, of deciding whether to grant extra leave to an employee facing problems today or to fulfill a promise to a customer to deliver today. That requires character!
In special, making daily choices based on values requires character
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Read the article for a complete explanation of the moral values compass quick scan or take a look to see what you can improve