Category: <span>Activity</span>

Moral Leadership: Hot Topic in Marketingfacts Yearbook 21-22

In the 16th edition of the Marketingfacts Yearbook, the Moral Leader holds a prominent position. Our written Hot Topic places Moral Leadership in the marketing literature. The Marketingfacts Yearbook covers all aspects of (online) marketing in over 400 pages. Each year, there are “Hot Topics” which are chapters focusing on…

Moral Values Compass Hot Topic Marketingfacts Yearbook 22-23

The Moral Marketing Values Compass (Moreel Marketing Waardenkompas in Dutch) we have developed is a ‘Hot Topic’ in the 17th edition of the NIMA Marketingfacts Yearbook. This is a 500-page publication that covers all aspects of marketing. The ‘Hot Topics’ are chapters on current developments and trends in marketing. Ethical…

Moral Leadership at NIMA Marketing Day (retrospective)

We assist marketers in our workshop on this day. Due to rapid technological and societal advancements, (legal) regulations often provide insufficient guidance. Furthermore, what is legally permissible may not always align with what is perceived as just. Consider the case of applying for COVID-19 relief funds despite paying billions…

Workshop Moral Leadership with NIMA and Windesheim (retrospective)

‘The social dilemma’ evokes significant outrage. Media and politics have paid considerable attention to the dangers of big tech. However, five years ago, the documentary ‘what makes you click’ already demonstrated how platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube employ techniques borrowed from the gambling industry to keep us ‘glued’ to…